Are you planning a long holiday far from home and require to have digital resources? Do not forget to pack digital devices in the event that WiFi goes down
Let me share with you the story of my last Arctic cruise. It sounded fantastic, National Geographic trip thru ice and back, with Polar bears as well as numerous other species. There would be the ice everywhere, and snow all around. Man-made devices were to overcome the elements and move through the frozen wilderness of the northern wilderness. It sounded magnificent, like an epic battle against weather, the north, and the pole.
I was instructed to carry all technology that could be transported inside my bag. I did take my laptop, and also an enormous display screen to extend the workspace. Electricity was not an issue, as they told me. It would be a challenging task however, I wasn't sure what to anticipate. I didn’t know that just two days into my 14-day trip and my Internet connection would go down and I would lose internet access for the next 10 days. I was completely devastated when it happened. No travel, however far or difficult, should cause a disconnect from the internet. In addition, I've got unfinished work to handle in the coming week, however, I haven't prepared myself for the downtime.
People don't care if they must disconnect from the internet. Internet is all around, so if your home network has problems There are a lot of nearby McDonalds that provide free WiFi access. You can bring your laptop to the nearest Starbucks and make use of the free WiFi connection to browse the Internet whenever you want. However, no café, restaurant or cafe can assist you in the north. They're a long way from the closest shack, with electricity generated by an ineffective generator. There's no internet accessible. Two alternatives are available in these situations: go offline and bring satellite internet.

I cannot afford a sat phone. It's just too expensive, especially to use it for Internet access. But , next time, I'll prepare an avid collection of audio and video prior to venturing into the dark without Internet. The last time I was on the road, I had two songs. Both were downloaded in a slow manner back then, so I had only 3 jazz songs and a famous track that I had no idea of its title. All I can say is. 4 songs over 2 weeks of no-things. If I knew that this was going to be the situation, I would be prepared. I would have loaded my laptop with television shows, films and music videos. I could spend hours listening to my most-loved podcasts. It's simple to download the podcasts, convert them into mp3 and save them to my computer. It is then easy to relax in my bed and enjoy whatever music I would like to hear at home, but don't have the time to. This could have been my golden hour, or two weeks of gold, but it ended up being 2 weeks of staring into the ceiling and running to greet passengers every whenever a sound makes its way through the corridors..
The trip was devoid both literally and metaphorically. I have never been so bored. The ice was way too thick. Knowing that it could cause problems and causing problems, the boat needed to tow back to civilization. This was not unexpected. However, the hours of downtime could easily have been spent listening to podcastsor watching DIY videos on repairs for the home, or listening to music. Next time, I will convert YouTube videos from mp4 to MP3 format on my laptop. Bring them with you and listen to your favourite songs from your laptop. Don't be depressed music is always uplifting your spirits. Hulu and Netflix apps allow you to download offline movies and shows. You can also bring them with you on your long arctic trek. Don't let boredom drag you down. Good luck!